Thou must Not Destroy its Trees — Join us for Tu Bi Shevat blessings and a talk by former Chavurah member and University of Arizona Professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Dr. Michael Rosenzweig. Michael Rosenzweig is Emeritus Professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at the University of Arizona and a co-founder of Havurat Hamidbar, Albuquerque, NM. He founded his university department in 1975. In 2010, the Ecological Society of America named him "Eminent Ecologist," a rare distinction held by about 50 living ecologists. Rosenzweig studies life's diversity (Species Diversity in Space and Time, Cambridge U Press, 1995) and its conservation (Win-win Ecology, Oxford U Press, 2004). He founded, publishes and is editor-in-chief of Evolutionary Ecology Research, the world's first open-access, green path journal. Rosenzweig earned his PhD at the University of Pennsylvania under Robert H. MacArthur in 1966.
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Earlier Event: January 24
Standing Together Against Racism: Building on our Common Heritage
Later Event: January 31
Criminal Justice Reform and Reentry Issues, with Heidi Cooper