Chavurah Chanukah Party
Join the Chavurah and share the warmth. light, and good cheer of Hanukkah. We will have appetizers, salmon, latkes, salad, sufganyot and drinks.
Bring your Chanukkiyah / Menorah and candles for the 5th night of Hanukkah. Please RSVP to Susan, at Location details will be sent to those who RSVP.
Optional donations at the Hanukkah Party:
Gifts for shelter animals: The wish list for cats and dogs includes small cat toys, treats, beds, brushes, wand toys, scratchers, sweaters, jackets, blankets, towels, dog enrichment toys, collars, harnesses, pill pockets, and Kong’s toys. The list includes towels and blankets but NOT sheets or pillowcases or anything quilted. We will deliver these contributions to the City Animal Shelter.
Checks for Enlace Comunitario: Enlace is celebrating its 25th Anniversary and has a donor who will match contributions. To help Enlace continue to support domestic violence survivors in central NM, you may bring a check in any amount made out to Enlace Comunitario and we will deliver them to Enlace.