Talk on Affirmative Action
2:00 PM14:00

Talk on Affirmative Action

Our Chavurah member Rae Siporin will talk about affirmative action on Sunday, March 30 at 2 pm. Snacks will be provided.  Rae is the former director of Admissions for UCLA. She served as director of undergraduate admissions at UCLA for 22 years, and had her signature stamped on almost 250,000 acceptance letters for admitted students,  Rae managed UCLA undergraduate admissions through soaring application rates and Proposition 209, the California ballot initiative in 1996 that banned affirmative action statewide. See the newsletter for details on the event.

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Passover begins at sundown
4:30 PM16:30

Passover begins at sundown

Pesach (Passover) begins this year on Saturday, April 12 (14 Nissan 5785) with the first seder. It commemorates the Israelites’ Exodus from Egypt, and their transition from slavery to freedom. The main ritual of Pesach is the seder, which occurs on the first two nights (in Israel just the first night) of the holiday — a festive meal that involves the re-telling of the Exodus through stories and song and the consumption of ritual foods, including matzah and maror (bitter herbs). The seder’s rituals and other readings are outlined in the Haggadah. The central Pesach practice is a set of intense dietary changes, mainly the absence of hametz, or foods with leaven. (Ashkenazi Jews also avoid kitniyot, a category of food that includes legumes.) In preparation for the Pesach holiday, it is an age-old Jewish tradition, known as Ma’ot Chitim, to contribute towards funds that ensure that everyone who is in need has the necessary provisions for the holiday—food, matzah, wine, etc. This Pesach is one of the relatively rare years when the seder falls on Shabbat. Observant Jews will prepare the seder plate items and the seder dinner food on Friday before sundown, and will warm the seder foods after Shabbat has ended.

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Chavurah Chanukah Party
4:00 PM16:00

Chavurah Chanukah Party

Join the Chavurah and share the warmth. light, and good cheer of Hanukkah.  We will have appetizers, salmon, latkes, salad, sufganyot and drinks.

Bring your Chanukkiyah / Menorah and candles for the 5th night of Hanukkah. Please RSVP to Susan, at Location details will be sent to those who RSVP.

Optional donations at the Hanukkah Party:

Gifts for shelter animals: 
The wish list for cats and dogs includes small cat toys, treats, beds, brushes, wand toys, scratchers, sweaters, jackets, blankets, towels, dog enrichment toys, collars, harnesses, pill pockets, and Kong’s toys.  The list includes towels and blankets but NOT sheets or pillowcases or anything quilted.  We will deliver these contributions to the City Animal Shelter.

Checks for Enlace Comunitario: Enlace is celebrating its 25th Anniversary and has a donor who will match contributions. To help Enlace continue to support domestic violence survivors in central NM, you may bring a check in any amount made out to Enlace Comunitario and we will deliver them to Enlace.

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Book discussion with author Rabbi Paul Citrin
11:00 AM11:00

Book discussion with author Rabbi Paul Citrin

Rabbi Paul Citrin has written a novel based on the life of the biblical Issac. The book, entitled Issac Unbound: A Life of Reconciliation, is available from Amazon (hardback, paperback, Kindle) and can be ordered from local bookstores (but may take several weeks to arrive). Order the book now and read it so that you will be ready to hear from Rabbi Citrin and discuss the book on January 14. RSVP to

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Chavurah Trip to Ladd Gordon Wildlife Area
12:30 PM12:30

Chavurah Trip to Ladd Gordon Wildlife Area

Join the Chavurah on a visit to Ladd Gordon Wildlife Area in Bernardo, NM, about an hour south of Albuquerque. We should be able to see Sandhill cranes and lots of duck and geese, among other birds. Bring your binoculars and a snack to share with the group. There are optional short walks to bird observation points. To RSVP and for questions, contact

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Chavurah Chanukah Party
4:00 PM16:00

Chavurah Chanukah Party

Joint the Chavurah for a festive Chanukah party in a private room at a downtown bar. Please bring your chanukiah and candles to light (4th night). We will have appetizers, latkes, pizza, salad, and sufganyiot. If you wish, you may bring a check for a donation to Roadrunner Food Bank (no food items, please) and/or toiletries of any size for families in the APS Title One Homeless project. Cost is $15 per person. Check your email for how to RSVP and pay, or contact

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Rosh Chodesh Group Meets
7:00 PM19:00

Rosh Chodesh Group Meets

The next Rosh Chodesh meeting will be March 23, 2023 by Zoom at 7 pm. We will discuss Judy Heumann and the fight for disability rights. You can read her book, Being Heumann by Judith Heumann, or instead watch the movie Crip Camp on Netflix. Roz Gibel will facilitate the discussion. Even if you haven’t read the book or seen the movie, come for an interesting discussion of disability rights and one woman’s activism. For more information, call Barbara at 505-856-1231.

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Rosh Chodesh Group Meeting via Zoom
7:00 PM19:00

Rosh Chodesh Group Meeting via Zoom

The Chavurah Rosh Chodesh group will meet on Zoom on Thursday December 29 at 7:00 to discuss the topic: It's Never Too Late:  Finding and Redefining your Connection to Judaism.  The evening will be facilitated by Acy DeBois and Barbara Cohen, and will include their stories of their Jewish upbringing and education, ultimately leading to their Adult Bnai Mitzvah.  Everyone will have the opportunity to share their pivotal Jewish identity experiences. Please join us for the last meeting of the year.  The Zoom link will be provided to those who RSVP to Barbara at

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Chavurah Chanukah Party
4:00 PM16:00

Chavurah Chanukah Party

Celebrate Chanukah with the Chavurah in a private, heated indoor/outdoor space at a local brewpub. There will be food (latkes, sufganyiot, and much more) and beverages, plus great company! Bring your own chanukiah and candles to light. RSVP required: call 505-856-1231 or contact us through the website.

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