Dinner & A Movie
5:00 PM17:00

Dinner & A Movie

The Israeli film, Israeli Love Story, is going to open the Abq Jewish Film Festival of 2018. This movie is based on a true story from the days just before Israel became a state.

The Chavurah will meet for dinner before the movie, and Miriam will give some background information about the movie and the theater play that served as the basis for the movie.

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"Homage to Anne"
3:00 PM15:00

"Homage to Anne"

“Homage to Anne,” a memorial to Anne Frank

Jim Crane’s inspiration came from the young Jewish girl who wrote a now-classic diary while hiding with her family from the Nazis in a warehouse owned by Dutch friends until they were found by the Germans. Anne died along with her mother and sister in the Bergen Belsen death camp, the result of starvation and disease. Otto Frank, Anne’s father was the only survivor.

When Crane was working on the Anne Frank project back in the 70’s a National Geographic photographer went to his studio in Monterey, CA and did an interview with him. Otto Frank saw the published photo and article and wrote to Mr. Crane. They exchanged letters on several occasions. Mr. Crane has treasured those correspondences.  The original letters from Otto Frank will be on view at the opening.

Also, on view, more of Crane’s bronze and steel sculptures along with pottery, photographs, paintings and sculptures by our other gallery artists.

Please join us for a day of art, music, and refreshments.

See the newsletter for location.

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