Hosting a Shabbat Service

If you would like to host a Shabbat service in your home, contact the current Secretary to set the date.  We try to have Saturday morning services on the 3rd Saturday of the month for planning, although the 2nd or 4th Saturday is fine. 

Shabbat services are followed by a pot-luck dairy/parave lunch.

Service Hosting Check-List:

1.      Set the time for the service.  It is your choice.  For example, some people choose 9:30 am, others prefer 10:00 am.  Services last until about 12:00 noon.

2.      Arrange to get the Torah and books (Siddurim and Chumashim).  Usually they are being held by whomever last hosted services.

3.      Supply the challah, kosher wine and grape juice.  Wine should be from grapes rather than berries.  One challah is sufficient, two is better.

4.      Supply the paper goods, silverware, cups and beverages.  For beverages, coffee/tea and water are fine.

5.      Invite one or more individuals to lead the service.  If you do not know who our service leaders are and what their styles are, direct your invitation to the Ritual Committee, who will find the service leader(s).  If you want something particular for the service, feel free to suggest it. 

6.      Ensure that there will be Torah Readings.  As with service leaders, you can invite an individual to read or go to the Ritual Committee to arrange the readings. 

7.      Remind members to come.  On or about Wednesday prior to services, send a reminder email with the date and time and directions to your home.

8.      RSVPs and How Many to Expect.  We generally do not ask for RSVPs for Shabbat services and most people do not RSVP anyway.  You should expect as many as 20 people.

9.      Getting help from the Ritual Committee.  Contact the Ritual Committee at least 2 weeks before the scheduled service if possible.