Bring your Chanukiah, candles, and sufganiot to your computer screen so we can light the Chanukah candles. Our program is a follow up on the Kislev program with a guest speaker, Maria Apodaca, speaking on the topic “It Only Took 500 Years.” She will talk about her life in New Mexico as a converso/crypto Jew/anusim. Maria’s family came to northern NM in 1598 with Captain Juan Onate. The only one in her family to return to her Jewish roots, she will talk about how difficult it is to face family rejection and to gain acceptance into the Jewish community. Maria is a founding member of Centro Sefarad NM. A Zoom link will be sent before the event. Call 505-856-1231 for questions.
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Earlier Event: December 15
Chavurah Chanukah Candle Lighting and Annual Meeting
Later Event: December 20
Why Do Bad Things Happen to Good People? The Book of Job with Shlomo Karni